Bibliography of the Poznan Medical University’s Employees

This database is created by the Main Library of Poznan University of Medical Sciences. It contains over 94,880 records from the years 1991-2017 and it is updated regularly. The database is created in EXPERTUS system, which is developed by the Department of Computer Science Splendor together with the Main Library.
It also involves all information about publications whose authors are employees of departments and clinics of our Medical University. It contains data about doctoral theses (also written by authors who are outside the University, but their supervisors are our university’s employees). The database is indexed on the basis of the Polish Medical Thesaurus and Medical Subject Headings. Titles of publications are all given in original language version as well as in English which specifies this database as bilingual. Searching may be conducted by different searching keys: the faculty, organizational entities, authors, Polish (original) titles, English titles, sources of publication, English and Polish terms ( Mesh original descriptors and its Polish version), keywords within the entire record and types of publication. Descriptions of papers published in journals which include Journal Citation Reports (with “impact factor”) contain the value of this indicator. Since 2000, the State Committee for Scientific Research score is taken into account and since 2004 also scores by the ministry responsible for science, currently the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Since 1997 there are also abstracts added to descriptions registered in the database, which mainly concerns the original papers published in Polish and habilitation dissertations . Also the transition from the bibliographic record to the full text of the publication is possible, but only on the condition that it is available in the Open Access (it involves also doctoral theses and dissertations contained in the Digital Library of Wielkopolska ).

© Main Library of Poznan University of Medical Sciences